Contemporary issues for transnational adoptees:
In conversation with Tobias Hübinette
Many transnational adoptees are politically active and influence the practice of intercountry adoption. In today’s podcast, Tobias Hübinette discusses some contemporary issues in intercountry adoption.
Tobias Hübinette is Associate Professor in intercultural education at Södertörn University and a researcher at the Multicultural Centre in Sweden. He has a Ph.D. in Korean studies from Stockholm University, and his research has focused on the Korean adoption issue and Korean popular culture, adopted Koreans and the Korean diaspora, and questions of race and whiteness and postcolonial issues in a Swedish and European context.
Recommended citation – APA6th
Fronek, P. (Interviewer). (2012, August 23). Contemporary issues for international adoptees: In conversation with Tobias Hubinette [Episode 20]. Podsocs. Podcast retrieved Month Day, Year, from